Manifest Your Dreams!

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manifest money now

When you start trying to manifest money, if you don’t truly believe that you’re going to get what you’re wanting, then you’re NOT going to get it! BELIEF is everything! Anyone can wish for a million dollars. But do you truly BELIEVE that you could?

If the answer is ‘NO’, that’s ok. This is a very common issue that people have at the beginning. I think it’s safe to say that everyone goes through this process. It’s exciting learning about manifesting money with one’s own brain. It’s exciting because it’s REAL!

However, most people (including me) create unrealistic money goals at the beginning. The millions never come. This happens because if you don’t truly believe in your HEART that you can manifest (X) money, then that’s the frequency that you will transmit. According to The Law of Attraction, LIKE attracts LIKE. This translates to you manifesting exactly what you transmitted – NOTHING!

What is the solution?

The solution is simple: When you start manifesting money, you set more realistic goals for yourself.

OK – say your goal is to be a millionaire. Instead of trying to manifest a million dollars right away, start manifesting in more “reasonable” chunks.

So, for instance – Let’s say you’re making $30,000/year right now. That’s $2,500/month. Could you imagine yourself making an extra $500/month? Does this seem more realistic? How’s your belief level?

Don’t be surprised if this amount is still too high for your BELIEF to manifest it. Usually this happens when you start thinking about the details of how you’ll get there. Remember, knowing how it will happen isn’t important. It’s your belief level that will determine if you will manifest money or not.

Proof of Concept

Your belief level will start to grow once you see “Proof of Concept”. You will not truly believe you can manifest money unless you see proof that this is real. This is common for everyone.

This is why it’s so important to set reasonable goals at the beginning. You need to learn how to BELIEVE first!

You need to have a burning desire to Manifest Money!

The other VERY IMPORTANT thing you must have is a Burning Desire to manifest what you’re wanting.

This might seem fairly obvious on the surface, but there is a real component here that gets overlooked by people trying to manifest money.

You have to REALLY want it too!

Even if you believe it’s possible for whatever you’re tying to manifest to happen. If you don’t have a Burning Desire for it to come, then you won’t be transmitting a powerful enough signal. It’s really that simple!

So in summary, you must BELIEVE that you can manifest it, and you must also have a BURNING DESIRE for it’s outcome!

If you enjoyed this article, watch this exciting video to learn more about manifesting money in you life TODAY!

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