Manifest Your Dreams!

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law of attraction

You attract what you ARE. In order for the Law of Attraction to work for you the way you intended, you need to understand this point intimately.

Most writings on the subject of manifestation or the Law of Attraction don’t highlight how important this point is.

Before you can really start manifesting anything in your life, you need to practice a daily routine of “clearing” your energy. This doesn’t necessary mean you need to meditate (but that is a good approach).

Since our brains are the most powerful transmitters and receivers of frequency (energy) ever created, what we’re transmitting is very important.

Get Good first when you first start the day!

When you get up in the morning, one of the very first things you should do – is “clear” your energy. This can be any activity that puts you into a good mood. You might like listening to a certain song in the morning, or maybe you like going for a run. Perhaps you enjoy meditating or praying, or reading something motivational. Maybe you do Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) “Tapping” to clear your energy. Whatever activity you adopt for your morning routine, make sure it’s a positive activity for you (you’ll know the difference).

The Morning Routine

This morning routine is an important step to learn if you truly expect to manifest your dreams. It will help shape the day for you. If you feel “good” – you are transmitting that vibrational frequency and according to the Law of Attraction, you will attract things and circumstances in your life that make you feel “good”. In other words, you attract the same things you transmit.

This is why it’s so important to do things that genuinely make you feel good and that elevates your mood. Even if you’re trying to manifest specific things in your life, just feeling good will start to change your life. All kinds of good things that weren’t on your wish list will begin coming into your life because you’re regularly transmitting the feeling of “good”.

As the day unfolds, continue to engage in activities that make you feel good. The more you laugh and find joy in your life, the more regularly your brain will emit that frequency of feeling “good”.

The more intense and longer your feeling of “good” lasts, the stronger and longer your frequency will be!

Focus on Feeling Good

This focus on feeling good should be at the core of how you live and look at life; because its how you feel physically, psychologically and spiritually, that will shape how your manifestations will look.

For example, If you begin to emit a frequency of depression on a regular basis, you might start seeing and hearing things daily from your friends or the news that remind you of why you should stay inside with the blinds drawn.

In other words, you begin to manifest experiences in your life that vibrate on the same frequency as your transmissions. This is a central principle in The Law of Attraction. Like attracts Like. If you feel depressed all the time, you will attract experiences that will continue to depress you.

So if you work on creating behavior that makes you feel good and happy on a daily basis, The Universal Law of Attraction will start putting experiences in your life that make you feel good and happy!

So GET GOOD first thing in the morning and continue to do things that make you feel good throughout the day!

Have a Strong Purpose

Having a purpose greater than yourself will be very helpful in accomplishing this daily. Dive into your faith. Help the homeless. Be the best mom you can be. Draw strength and energy from this purpose. It will amplify your frequency.

Life, as you know, isn’t always easy. It’s going to present obstacles all the time for you to deal with. Remember – you can’t control everything. But you can control how you react to things. You can control how much you dwell in the past or think about the future.

Living in the Present Moment will allow you to manifest your dreams will greater ease!

Living in the Present Moment is the only thing real and alive. The past is only a memory and the future is just a potential.

The more adept you get at living in the moment, the more effortless your manifestations will occur. This is because when you truly live in the moment, you start to find joy and happiness in every experience that comes your way. You learn to transmute negative experiences into positive experiences; obstacles becomes opportunities. When you start to see things more positively, you feel better – which allows you to transmit at a higher frequency. Remember, if you want to really make the Law of Attraction work for you, the higher the frequency you transmit from your brain, the more rewarding things you will manifest in your life.

Feeling love in your heart will be the highest frequency you can send or receive. When you’re able to feel love in your heart consistently throughout the day, the manifestations that will come into your life will be breathtaking. This is why it’s so important to remind yourself daily what you’re grateful for. Gratitude is a feeling that comes from the heart. Learn to be grateful for everything that comes into your life – even the challenges – and you will see your life transform in amazing ways!

Your heart is your compass.

Your heart is your compass. Let it guide you. If you ever get lost (and you’ll know when that is), let your heart guide you back toward the light.

Believe With Your Heart

Have unwavering belief that you can manifest something.

If you want to make the Law of Attraction work for you optimally, you have to understand the difference between believing in something and BELIEVING in something. Anyone can believe something to come true, but the person who will really start to manifest things, are the ones who REALLY BELIEVE!

This might seem like a simple point, but it truly is the biggest challenge some folks have when they start learning about the Law of Attraction. Some people aren’t seeing things manifest in their lives because deep down inside, they don’t believe it will happen in the first place. They don’t really believe they can earn $10,000 a month or that they can lose 100 pounds. So this disbelief ends up attracting zero to little return.

On the other hand, if you TRULY BELIEVE that whatever you ask for – will come into your life – it will probably come into your life!

Watch how you think

This is why it’s so important for you to watch what you’re transmitting. Too often, people make the mistake of transmitting a frequency of lack rather than gain. If you don’t want something, don’t transmit that frequency, but instead transmit what you do want.

When you start to practice The Law of Attraction, start smaller and work up. Start with something simple like manifesting parking places or not having to wait in line. Let your belief grow as you see these smaller manifestations materialize.

As your belief grows, your ability to manifest will grow. If you believe so much in something that you start expecting it – as if it already happened – that’s when the Law of Attraction gets really exciting!

Remember, according to the Law of Attraction, Like attracts Like. So if you truly believe that you will make 10 million dollars a year, then the universe has to deliver something on the same frequency.

Lastly – you need a BURNING DESIRE for whatever you’re trying to manifest! This is very important if you’re trying to use The Law of Attraction optimally!

When you start thinking of what you want to manifest – always ask yourself those two questions:

#1 Do you truly believe that you can manifest it?

#2 Do you have a “burning desire” for it?

Manifesting your dreams by using the Law of Attraction takes practice and patience. The more you think of what you want – and truly believe it will happen – the greater likelihood it will happen.

Earl Nightingale said that “…we become what we think about [most of the time].” So enjoy using The Law of Attraction to manifest your dreams and desires. It will truly change your life!

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