Manifest Your Dreams!

Welcome to How2Manifest!

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Are you ready to manifest your dreams?

This site will be your guide!

This is the basic formula you need to know before you can ever hope to truly manifest your dreams.

Learn how to manifest your dreams
Follow the light!

Anything that you want, you can have!

But you have to really truly BELIEVE!

And this is where most people fail.

As you learn to truly BELIEVE in your manifesting abilities, let your feelings be a beacon for you. If you feel good, you are on course. If you feel bad, you are off course,

As you sail along in uncharted waters, remember that you may lose your way sometimes…..

Your heart is your compass. Use it to “see” the light when you are lost.

The How2Manifest logo is a fusion of two ideas.

The first is the TRIANGLE. The triangle is a sacred geometric shape that vibrates at a high level. When you are trying to manifest your dreams, you want to send out the highest frequency that you can.

Let the Triangle symbol remind you of the basic formula to manifesting your dreams:

Think It. Feel It. Believe It.

Let each corner of the triangle represent a core ingredient.

The Heart in the Center represents the highest frequency that you can transmit and receive with your mind:


When you transmit the frequency of love, you will see amazing manifestations! Use the heart symbol to remind you of this. Let it remind you to be grateful for your life and to find love in your heart for your neighbor.

When you have love in your heart, manifesting your dreams will be easy!

Daddy & Daughter Gracelynn

Author & Contact Info:

Mathew Fahey is the creator of ‘’.

He can be reached at [email protected].

© 2024 Manifest Your Dreams!

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