Manifest Your Dreams!

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Manifest sobriety

Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.

In order for you to successfully manifest sobriety into your life, your desire for change must be greater than your desire to stay the same!

Having a willingness to change is surely the first step in this process. Until you have this “genesis spark” of desire to change, you won’t ever be able to manifest sobriety into your life.

What’s quite strange, however, is that most addicts have had this “spark” at some time in their life, but continually fail at getting sober nonetheless. Why is this?

The reason for this, is that this “spark” of willingness to change is NOT enough for sustained change to occur. In other words, it’s only the beginning!

Have a Purpose

Have a Purpose

In order for you to successfully manifest sobriety into your life, you will also need a PURPOSE! Now keep in mind, that this purpose is different for everyone. People have different “drug of choices”, for example. Also, not everyone has to be a “hard-core” drug addict to have issues with addiction; eating compulsions, smoking cigarettes and caffeine habits are all examples of this. The point being – is that when you decide to “quit” something (to manifest sobriety) – the purpose should be unique to you and what you believe in.

The reason I’m emphasizing this ‘difference of purpose’, is you have to also make sure you have the right “purpose” when manifesting sobriety into your life. You have to be quitting for the “right reason(s)”, or it will never work long term.

In other words, you don’t want to try and quit something because someone else is telling you that you need to. You should want to quit, because it’s something YOU WANT TO DO!

The Power of your HEART

The Power of the Heart

The PURPOSE that you choose should ALSO come from your HEART! When you craft a purpose around love, your ability to manifest sobriety will dramatically increase.

To illustrate this point, I want to share a personal story with you regarding my life-long cigarette habit and how I quit recently:

I’m a proud father of a beautiful little girl who just turned 19 months old this month (October 2020).

While I’m extremely blessed to have this amazing little girl in my life, I’m turning 50 years old at the end of the year and I don’t have the same energy as I did in my 20s.

I’ve been thinking about my age a lot these days. Every thought and concern you can think about has entered my mind. Will I have the necessary “energy” to parent her the way she needs to be parented? Or will I literally be a “Grandpa Daddy” barely keeping up with her?

As I continued to think about my energy levels, the more obvious concern came to light. Will I even be alive to see her graduate high school? The idea terrified me and also motivated me to change.

Quitting Cigarettes

Quitting Cigarettes

Being a long time cigarette smoker, going as far back as my college days, I never put too much “stock” in quitting because I had heard it was ‘bad’ for my health. Everyone knows smoking cigarettes is bad. I just chose not to care.

I chose not to care, until I started thinking about this little girl not growing up with her daddy. It was at that moment, that I truly wanted to quit smoking cigarettes.

The love for my little girl became my purpose; I wanted to do everything possible to ensure that I’d live as long as I could for her. I now had a purpose GREATER than myself to stop smoking.

Will to RESIST

I can resist anything except temptation

The last thing you must have is the WILL to RESIST! This is where your true manifestation skills will be put to the test. Will you have the ability to ‘SAY NO’ when it matters?

If you have ever struggled with addiction, you know how challenging it is to quit something permanently. You begin to literally fight with yourself. A test of wills begins to take place inside you; the side that wants to keep doing whatever it is you want to quit and the side that wants to quit.

I found myself experiencing that again 12 hours into quitting cigarettes cold turkey. The side that wanted to smoke told me how good it would feel if I did and the side that wanted to quit envisioned a long life with my daughter; the battle of wills commenced.

As the hours ticked by, I had an epiphany. I realized that all I had to do was not give in to temptation. While this seemed obvious, it was different this time. I understood for the first time that I had complete control over ME.

Before when I had battled cigarettes, I would succumb time after time to the temptation. Sometimes I would make it a half a day, other times, a few days – but every time, I would eventually find myself smoking again. However, this time I truly understood that it was FALSE to think that I didn’t have control over ME. It appeared that my ‘Loving Purpose’ had “shattered the illusion” that I needed to smoke.

Become an Observer

Once I was awakened to this reality, I began to simply “WATCH” how my body detached from smoking. I became an ‘OBSERVER’ of the physical sensations that the cravings were causing. Instead of actively playing a role like I always had, it was almost like the withdrawal symptoms were being felt by someone else this time.

As the hours turned into days, I began to see how effective this “mental shift” of perspective was in helping me battle the urge to smoke. By FREEING myself from the mental hold that cigarettes had on me, my body was given enough time to also become FREE. I started to feel healthier. My lungs felt cleaner. My heart didn’t have little pain flutters anymore. All and all, I felt a lot better!

Probably the biggest realization I had was that quitting smoking had also helped me get better at manifesting. Because I had proven to myself that I could quit cold turkey – my level of belief in my ability to manifest had gone up!

If you believe that you can manifest your reality, you need to look at these opportunities like a student of martial arts. Strengthen your mind. Strengthen your body. You can have full control of YOU! And when you have full control of YOU – you can manifest sobriety like a master of martial arts.

Use whatever addiction or vice you want to quit as a training platform for getting better at manifesting your reality. Remember, if you are to truly to become a master at manifesting your reality, you must GET GOOD first! If your mind and body are performing optimally, your ability to transmit frequency will be optimal.

That’s really the ‘name of the game’ when it comes to manifesting anything good into your life. You got to feel good first! If you don’t feel good, how do you expect to attract good into your life?

Have faith in yourself and your higher power to guide you and give you strength. You can do this!

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