Manifest Your Dreams!

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Manifesting change

Manifesting change in your life can be as small as wanting to quit smoking or it can be as large as a desire to change the world. The changes you make for yourself and your surroundings will ultimately pave the way for the life you live.

In the wake of the George Floyd tragedy and the BLM movement, one can see how change can happen on a large scale level when people ‘MasterMind’ their focus collectively. It’s impossible not to see the effect that millions of “minds” are having on the global attitude, regarding social injustice.

Belief & Desire

Regardless of the change itself, the same basic ingredient of “desire” is initially needed to begin the process. Having a desire and a willingness for change is the first thing you need to have, if you ever hope to manifest change into your life.

This may seem like a basic concept, but there is an important feature that is overlooked by most people. Having a desire for change is great; but it’s not enough for real manifestations to occur. You must also have a “BURNING DESIRE” for this change to manifest!

Having a “BURNING DESIRE” for change is of paramount importance for any changes to truly manifest into your life. If you don’t have this high-level desire for what you want to change in your life, you won’t be able to transmit a high enough frequency to manifest it into your life.

You also need to TRULY BELIEVE that what you want to change in your life is actually possible. One of my favorite examples to use is money. Let’s say for example, that you want to become wealthy. Do you truly believe it’s possible that you could make a million dollars this year? If the answer is ‘no’, then you have to lower your expectation to something you do believe.

For instance – Let’s say you’re making $30,000/year right now. That’s $2,500/month. Could you imagine yourself making an extra $500/month? Does this seem more realistic? How’s your belief level?

When you feel confident that you have the right level of belief coupled with a burning desire, you are ready to begin manifesting change into your life!

Whatever your goal(s) are, CHANGE truly happens when it becomes an ingrained behavior. Let’s say you have a belief and a burning desire to quit smoking. When you start the cigarette cessation process, it’s hard. If you’re quitting cold turkey, for example, you have to first get past the 72 hour nicotine window. Anyone who has tried to quit smoking knows that this period is very challenging; you’re irritable, moody and generally “out of sorts”. If this wasn’t hard enough, you then have to literally recreate your life. Typically people that smoke, like to smoke at certain times of the day. They may like to smoke after a meal or before going to sleep; a cigarette habit is very ritualistic for many.

Changing Behavior

However, usually after 30-90 days, the former smoker realizes that their behavior has changed. They no longer have the same cravings and have filled in the “smoking” times with other activities. They have manifested change into their life.

The summary point of this example, is that you also need to create a consistent pattern of change – if you want to truly manifest change into your life. Changing something for a day, a week, a month or even years may not be enough for the change to become manifest in it’s absolute sense. For example, it may not take long to change a habit of leaving the toilet seat up, but it may take years for global social change to occur.

You’ll know when the change has occurred, when you no longer have to think about doing it anymore – when it becomes an unconscious habit.

Many times you may want a change in your life, but you don’t know what it is, or how to get there. You might want a different career or living environment; or you might want to find a romantic partner or have children. However, the path isn’t clear on how to arrive there. You must have faith that the change you’re trying to manifest will happen!

During these periods of your life, you need to have faith that what you desire will manifest itself! Have faith in GOD to grace you with direction! Truly know that the UNIVERSE will conform itself to your BELIEF! Have faith that the unseen will be seen! Keep your eyes and ears open. Look for signs and coincidences. Everything happens for a reason. Start to become more aware of your surroundings as you manifest change into your life – they will help guide you along your path.

Transmit Feelings

Lastly, start to FEEL what it would be like to have that change in your life. Regardless of whether you know what the change is or not, really try to feel what it would be like to have that change in your life. How would you feel not smoking anymore? How would you feel being in a new job you enjoyed? What would you feel inside knowing you were going to have a child for the first time?

This is a powerful mental exercise. This will amplify your transmissions and help you manifest change into your life with greater strength and quickness!

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