Manifest Your Dreams!

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4 Steps to learning how to manifest what you want

Anytime you master a new skill, you go through four steps of learning. Being able to transmit the right frequency, with the right intensity and duration takes practiced skill. So learning and mastering the ability to manifest will require you to understand these four steps.

Unconscious Incompetence

This is the FIRST STEP that everyone goes through: YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW. Before you ever heard about ‘The Law of Attraction’, or this “manifestation stuff”, you never even knew that you could use your very own brain to change your physical reality.

This is why you should always be learning. Expose yourself to new ideas. Revisit old ideas; maybe you’ll see a new slant on something you “took for granted”. If you don’t constantly explore life, you might just miss something that could change your life.

Conscious Incompetence

The SECOND STEP to learning how to manifest something in your life, is when you realize that you have the ability, but not the skill to do it successfully.

Once you can accept, without “doubt”, that your own brain is a powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency (energy), you have successfully graduated to the second step of learning how to manifest.

You NOW know what you didn’t know before; that your very own brain can transmit a frequency that will return a LIKE frequency.

This is a HUGE find! But what do you do with it? How do you use this knowledge to manifest things?

Conscious Competence

As with any new skill, you need to practice it first before you get skilled at it. Manifesting things and circumstances in your life is no different. You need to “practice” how and what you transmit from your brain. This THIRD STEP in learning how to manifest is all about “practice makes perfect”.

What you practice initially is, HOW TO BELIEVE. If you’re trying to manifest something with doubt in your heart (as to the outcome), the likihood of it materializing is low. This is why when you first start practicing, create small manifestations goals. In other words. don’t shoot for millions right away. It should be believable and possible for you.

Proof of Concept

Once you practice this for a while, you WILL see something materialize! There won’t be any mistaking it either. When you see it, you will then have “proof of concept”. This proof of concept will be different for everyone. For some, they might be convinced when their favorite parking place opens up for them all the time. For others, it might have to be something more substantive. But for everyone, this will happen and you will see the “realness” of all this for the first time. No longer will it be just theory. You will have seen it with your own two eyes.

Besides practicing believing, you will also need to practice keeping and staying healthy in all areas of your life; this includes your physical, mental and spiritual states of being. Are you a happy person? Does anything from the past affect you negatively? How is your home life? How’s your stress levels? Are you connected to your higher power? Do you laugh a lot? Any “imbalance” one system has will affect your other systems. For example, let’s say you have some regrets about something from your past. This psychological imbalance will disrupt the intensity and duration of what you’re trying to transmit. Another example would be if your health is declining; that would also compromise your signal strength.

However, when you’re “humming” on all cylinders, you’re able to transmit super powerful, high frequency signals. This is why it’s so important to keep your body and mind as healthy and fit as you can. The healthier and happier you are, the stronger and longer your transmissions will be.

You want to FEEL GOOD! This is how you really start manifesting your dreams! Start transmitting the high intensity signal of FEELING GOOD all the time and see what happens!

Unconscious Competence

This is the FINAL STEP of learning how to manifest. You will be able to manifest things and circumstances in your life without even consciously thinking about it. This is because your skill at transmitting the right frequency will be “automatic”.

Remember when you first learned how to operate a car? You had to think through all the steps? Check the mirrors. Was your foot on the brake? Did you have your seatbelt on? Then you had to drive the car, while trying to remember all the traffic rules.

After awhile though, your skill at driving improved and it became “second nature” to drive a vehicle. It became even “automatic” at times, when you found yourself arriving at destinations without even remembering getting there.

This happens to anyone highly skilled at something. They can do it without even thinking about it; and they can do it well! This is where you see some people performing at very high levels. They can achieve a “FLOW”-like state, where manifestations occur almost effortlessly.

This final step is your ideal goal. You want to automatically be doing things throughout the day that allow you to transmit at a high frequency. For instance, when you create morning routines to GET GOOD first, you’re creating behavior that becomes “automatic” over time. You won’t have to remind yourself to be grateful anymore. You just will be.

Manifestation Game Plan

Continually Learn. If you want to manifest money, learn about things that you would do with all of your money. If you want to manifest health, start learning how to get in shape. When you constantly immerse yourself in areas that you’re wanting to manifest, you begin to transmit that signal more frequently throughout the day, because it’s always on your mind.

“We become what we think about most of the time, and that’s the strangest secret.”

Earl Nightingale

Start GETTING GOOD first thing in the morning and then during the day! You want to transmit the feeling of GOOD as much as you can. Get your body feeling good! Get your mind right! Give Thanks and Be Happy!

And get ready for the ride! It will be super exciting!

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