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manifest money

Learning how to manifest money is easy! The hard part is doing it right. Anyone can think and hope for money. Anyone can attempt to manifest money. But only a handful of people are actually manifesting money with their mind. Why is this?

For one, most people don’t realize their own brain is the most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency (energy) known to mankind. Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison all understood this. They studied this realization in great length and concluded that when human beings transmit thoughts with their brain – they were transmitting an extremely powerful signal that not only travels faster than the speed of light, but that also doesn’t travel in a straight line.

The people that are manifesting money with their minds know this. They also know that what you think attracts a like response. In other words, if you are in the throes of financial struggle, don’t transmit that “lack” signal. Don’t send out a frequency that says, “I DON’T WANT…” Instead, transmit the frequency of gain. Think about what you DO WANT!

What do you want?

If you want financial freedom for your life, start thinking about what you DO WANT! If you want to be wealthy, start picturing yourself wealthy! Imagine yourself with a ton of money. What would you be doing? How would it feel? Really imagine yourself living that life. Do you believe it’s possible? Do you believe it so much that you’re expecting it?

If you’re not expecting it to happen, then you really don’t believe you have the ability to manifest money. Belief is everything! If you don’t truly believe, then all you can do is HOPE.

Wouldn’t it be so much better for your state of mind, if you knew financial freedom was coming? Stop hoping and start BELIEVING! If you want to start truly manifesting money in your life, you need to start believing that it’s possible for starters.

Most people don’t really believe that they can manifest money with their minds. They hope that it could happen, but at the “end of the day”, most don’t really believe they have the ability. Many even will try to discredit the whole concept of manifesting money with your mind, because of this frustration.

If you’re trying to manifest money, what do you want? Do you truly believe that you can manifest it? Or do you just hope for it? Are you starting to get the point?

Do you truly believe?

Truly believing that you have the ability to manifest money in your life, is akin to having a paradigm shift. In order for your dreams of manifesting money to come true, your perception of your abilities to manifest will have to go though a major change. Perception is reality. Whatever you perceive to be real or unreal, is the reality for you – and the frequency that you’re transmitting.

If you perceive your reality to be one of lack, you will transmit that frequency to the source (universe). If you perceive your reality to be one of gain, you will transmit that frequency to the source (universe).

So if you want to truly understand how to manifest money in your life, think about how you perceive things. Think about how it makes you feel. Do you feel good or bad? If you feel good, then your money manifestation aspirations are on point.

unblocking the mind to help the belief process

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